87% reduction in birds caught
7 scientific studies, in 5 countries, have shown an average of more than 60% reduction in birds caught when cat's wear Birdsbesafe patented collar covers.
Add breakaway collar
The Birdsbesafe® patented cat collar cover is tubular. Use a breakaway buckled cat collar inside of the collar cover. For your cat's safety, it will fall off under pressure when the buckle releases. The collar accessory also features reflective trim to protect your cat at night.
Fashion Forward
Birdsbesafe covers are comfortable for your pet. Cats can eat, drink, groom and move normally. It's feline fashion with a Bird-saving purpose—the birds will thank you and your cat will be the fashion hit of the neighborhood.
Songbirds see bright colors exceptionally well, due to unique eye anatomy. When the cat's head is ringed by the bright colors of a Birdsbesafe collar accessory, the songbird quickly notices the cat and gains time to fly away.
Songbirds see bright colors exceptionally well, due to unique eye anatomy.When the cat's head is ringed by the bright colors of a Birdsbesafe collar accessory, the songbird quickly notices the cat and gains time to fly away. Our original anti-hunting cat collar accessory has helped protect birds from pet cats around the globe. Proven effective by scientific field studies and loved by cat owners who want to protect birds.
Our bird-saving cat collar products are promoted by the American Bird Conservancy. They are also endorsed and sold by several European member groups of BirdLife International. Some regional wildlife and bird conservation organizations promote their use to help protect birds. While keeping your cat indoors is the best option for all protecting all wildlife, if your cat does range outdoors, please consider protecting the birds with Birdsbesafe® collar covers!