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Putting the Birdsbesafe Collar Covers to the Test: A Review by

Putting the Birdsbesafe Collar Covers to the Test: A Review by

Shelby Loeppky's thorough evaluation on delves into the Birdsbesafe collar covers and collars, providing insights into their design, effectiveness, and real-world performance. Loeppky appreciates the innovative approach of Birdsbesafe products in addressing the issue of cat predation on birds. She highlights their distinctive design, consisting of brightly colored fabric sleeves, which aim to increase cats' visibility to birds, thus reducing their chances of successfully hunting birds.

Loeppky expresses confidence in the effectiveness of Birdsbesafe collar covers and collars, acknowledging their potential to significantly mitigate the impact of cats on local bird populations. However, she also offers a balanced perspective, noting that while the collar covers are effective in many cases, they may not entirely eliminate hunting behavior in all instances. Despite this limitation, Loeppky emphasizes the value of the collar covers as a non-invasive solution for cat owners concerned about their pets' environmental impact.

In her review, Loeppky shares the results of testing the Birdsbesafe collar covers on her own cats, Mojave (Mo, for short), Sno, and Toby. She observes a noticeable reduction in the frequency of bird-catching incidents, validating the product's efficacy in a real-world setting. This firsthand experience reinforces Loeppky's positive assessment of the collar covers and underscores their practical benefits for both cats and the avian species they interact with.

Sno and Toby Wearing the Funky and Crayon Birdsbesafe Collar Covers
Sno and Toby Wearing the Funky and Crayon Birdsbesafe Collar Covers
Photo credit: Shelby Loeppky of

One notable excerpt from Loeppky's review underscores the effectiveness of Birdsbesafe collar covers: "The Birdsbesafe collar offers a simple and non-invasive solution for cat owners concerned about their pets' impact on local wildlife." This statement encapsulates Loeppky's overall sentiment regarding the product's ability to address the complex issue of cat predation on birds while maintaining pet welfare and comfort.

In conclusion, Shelby Loeppky's review on provides valuable insights into the Birdsbesafe cat collars and collar covers, highlighting their positive attributes, effectiveness, and real-world performance. By offering a balanced assessment and sharing personal experiences with her cats, Loeppky equips readers with the information needed to make informed decisions about managing their cats' behavior and its environmental implications.