Feb 21, 2023
New Colors for 2023
We're excitedly expecting new inventory by early March. Soon! Here is a sneak peek at the new bird-protecting colors and patterns that will be arriving very soon--and some of our favorites continue forward, too.
Feb 21, 2023
We're excitedly expecting new inventory by early March. Soon! Here is a sneak peek at the new bird-protecting colors and patterns that will be arriving very soon--and some of our favorites continue forward, too.
Apr 29, 2022
When I started Birdsbesafe company in 2009, after inventing the product for my own cat, George, I did not imagine how many scientific field studies would eventually test the product's effectiveness. That number rose to seven studies, this week, with the publication of the Swiss field study being published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
Apr 9, 2022
Happy Spring, cat owners and bird lovers. Along with spring rain and greening plant growth, the the migratory songbirds are returning to the north of North America and other northern latitudes. In my yard, we celebrate the first American Robins coming to look for a nesting habitat. Their singing at dawn and dusk ushers in the welcome retreat of wintertime, while our last snowbank melts. Where we live, birdfeeders are removed for the warm months, to avoid attracting black bears!
Jan 1, 2022
We are greeting the new year with gratitude for all our customers, who care about cats and birds. Together, over the last decade (plus), we have made a difference, saving untold numbers of birds.
Sep 19, 2021
This week the New York Times Magazine "The Ethicist" column was titled "What Should I Do about my Bird-Killing Cat?" Columnist Kwame Anthony Appiah tackled the topic, offering Birdsbesafe cat collars as one of the ways to reduce cat predation on birds if you let your cat outdoors.
May 21, 2021
A thoughtful article on cat predation on birds appeared in Marin Independent Journal, California. There are good options for cat owners who want to reduce cats' impact on wildlife. It's a great article summarizing the alternatives for those who want to take responsibility for their pets. Any choice you can make in favor of protecting wildlife is a good step.
Apr 28, 2021
Does this make our pet products officially famous? We made the list of 10 best eco-friendly pet products for Earth Day! We're lucky #7. See the story by People Pets' editor here. We're on a mission to protect birds from cats that hunt. Thank you, cat owners!
Feb 12, 2021
Results of a scientific field study, led by Univ. of Exeter's Dr. Robbie MacDonald, were published in the journal Current Biology this week."Fitting Birdsbesafe collar covers reduced the numbers of birds captured and brought home by 42% but had no discernible effect on mammals." And, the research paper characterized it: "Birdsbesafe is a colorful collar cover that works as a visual warning, increasing the visibility of cats to potential prey animals with color vision. It exhibited pronounced effectiveness in reducing killing of birds, and more generally, prey with good color vision, including herpetofauna."