Backyard Invention and a Global Bird Conservation Mission
Would you dress up your cat in brightly colored "ruff" to save the lives of backyard birds? It was an open question, when I started my company to popularize my own bird-saving invention in 2009.
Eleven years later, we owe all our customers a debt of gratitude for providing a resounding "Yes" to that question. You do care about birds, and you will use our colorful cat accessory to save birds from your cat. Thank you!
Our cat-owning customers are our bird conservation heroes. It’s the cat owners who fasten the colorful collars around their cats’ necks. We are advancing bird protection goals together.
The scientists and volunteers who have studied the product have verified the product's effectiveness, but it is you, the customer, who makes the choice to protect birds from your cats.
Cat owners are wise to take responsibility for their cats' impact on wildlife, particularly birds. Birds are under increasing environmental pressures and their numbers are dropping. There 100 million or so pet cats in the U.S. and while we only have estimates of the toll that cats take on birds, the “low” estimates are in the millions of birds.
Together, we are making a difference in songbird populations around the globe.
Our company’s top-most goal in 2020 is to have ever-widening availability of the product, so that it can do the most good for bird conservation. Our "In Stores" page lists places you can shop for the product today, and of course, you can shop on this website.
In 2020, we are looking for an elegant way to vastly expand that list, because you, the cat owners, want us to do so. We especially hoping to have new options soon for the UK and Europe. Stay tuned.
And, as always, thanks for caring about cats and birds.